Post by Samson on May 21, 2013 16:58:50 GMT -8
This thread is an archive of the completed community splices. I'll include a link to the original thread, the instructions, the splices, and the splicers in each post. Enjoy!
Post by Samson on May 21, 2013 17:05:01 GMT -8
Community Splice #1SO. The idea is, I create a splice, using a pokemon random number generator and post the splice here. Then the next person will generate another number, and splice the corresponding Pokemon into my splice, and so on and so forth. Samson Absol/Lillipup coolchazine Audino Ceta Metang Lorraine Snivy Lavatarorigin Zweilous theryanneighbor Blaziken Pokemonscrap White Kyurem Lorraine Wiscash Metsy Banette
Post by Samson on May 21, 2013 17:12:55 GMT -8
Community Splice #2SO. The idea is, I create a splice, using a pokemon random number generator and post the splice here. Then the next person will generate another number, and splice the corresponding Pokemon into my splice, and so on and so forth. WHAT's DIFFERENT: This times its all about making it look nice 1 splice: Splice Pokemon A + B together 2nd splice: Splice Pokemon A+B + C together. DO NOT just add bits to the A+B splice.repeat: Your splice doesn't need to look like the previous one, just use the same pokemon + another one. Use whatever bits you think fit right. This is about figuring out how to make splices come together in a way that does not look garbled. #1 Mismagius + Swanna scolipedesplices #2 + Seaking lorraine #3 + Swoobat lavatarorigin #4 + Clamperl ceta #5+Poliwrath chandelure #6+Drifloon imaginarygirafarig
Post by Samson on May 26, 2013 16:30:47 GMT -8
Community Splice #3Same rules as #1. Tropius and Heracross Samson Larvitar Lavatarorigin Totodile Metsy Tynamo Ceta Lombre Snakewrangler Terrakion Scolipedesplices Graveler Imaginarygirafarig Grovyle Mewtwowithaweave Klinklang Muffyfoo
Post by Samson on Jun 3, 2013 8:38:21 GMT -8
Community Splice #4Same rules as #1 Steelix and Spoink Samson Deoxys Defense Forme Lavatarorigin Spinarak Ceta Duskull Coolchazine Simisage Snakewrangler Scolipede Scolipedesplices Pachirisu Chandelure Feebas Majesticpterodactyl Stoutland Silphcosprites
Post by Samson on Jun 6, 2013 9:34:06 GMT -8
Community Splice #5Same rules as #1 Samson Entei and Chimchar Koffspring Tynamo Tranquil Chandelure Lugia Scolipedesplices Vespiqueen Metsy Groudon Snakewrangler Honchkrow Coolchazine Wigglytuff Lavatarorigin Igglybuff Ceta
Post by Samson on Jun 6, 2013 9:59:02 GMT -8
Type-Specific Community Splice: Bug Type1. Pinsir and Sewaddle - ceta 2. Heracross - Chandelure 3. Volcarona - Scolipedesplices 4. Venonat - Coolchazine 5. Shuckle - Koffspring 6. Ledian - Snakewrangler 7. Joltik - Lavatarorigin 8. Cascoon - Coolchazine 9. Beautifly - Samson
Post by Samson on Jun 7, 2013 23:15:30 GMT -8
Community Splice #6Same rules as #1 Samson Lapras and Deerling Snakewrangler Deoxys Speed Forme Scolipedesplices Keldeo Coolchazine Torterra Koffspring Regirock Diwzy Magikarp Curiousercreature Meditite Lorraine Darmanitan Ceta Barboach
Post by Samson on Jun 9, 2013 21:45:24 GMT -8
Community Splice: Hoenn DexSame rules as #1, but only including fully evolved Hoenn Pokemon. 1. Mawile + Wailord 2. larvitarorigin: 3. snakewrangler: 4. + Glalie: 5. Lavitarorigin 2: + breloom 6. + Dodrio
Post by Samson on Jun 10, 2013 14:40:14 GMT -8
Type Specific Community Splice: Dark Type1. Hydreigon and Tyranitar - ceta 2. Scraggy - Koffspring 3. Sandile - Chandelure 4. Mandibuzz - Scolipedesplices 5. Sableye - Lavatarorigin 6. Liepard - Lorraine 7. Draipon - Majesticpterodactyl 8. Honchkrow - Bananawaddledee 9. Spiritomb - Samson
Post by Samson on Jun 12, 2013 14:27:32 GMT -8
Community Splice #71. Ceta - Agron Whismur 2. Baby - Gardevoir 3. Diwzy - Rufflet 4. Chandelure - Raichu 5. Scolipedesplices - White Kyurem 6. Bananawaddledee - Zekrom 7. Lorraine - Buneary 8. Mewtwowithaweave - Breloom 9. Lavatarorigin - Skuntank
Post by Samson on Jun 18, 2013 15:48:24 GMT -8
Community Splice #81. Samson - Kyogre and Hoothoot 2. Scolipedesplices - Wailord 3. Manateeexpress - Mothim 4. Chandelure - Umbreon 5. Ceta - Swellow 6. Zach - Empoleon 7. Lorraine - Drowzee 8. Spazzyjenny - Shellos 9. Coolchazine - Braviary
Post by Samson on Jun 21, 2013 16:05:22 GMT -8
Type Specific Community Splice: Dragon Type1. Haxorus and Dratini - ceta 2. Palkia - RSC Cooper Inc 3. Zekrom - Scolipedesplices 4. Dragonite - Chandelure 5. Flygon - Theryanneighbour 6. Giratina - Lorraine 7. Gabite - Chandelure 8. Hydreigon - Bananawaddledee 9. Gible - Koffspring
Post by Samson on Jun 21, 2013 16:08:14 GMT -8
Community Splice #91. Chandelure - Kakuna and Drapion 2. Metsy - Tropius 3. Imaginarygiragarig - Whiscash 4. Koffspring - Beldum 5. Ceta - Natu 6. Duokrow - Cresselia 7. Samson - Mawile 8. Spazzyjenny - Swampert 9. Bananawaddledee - Serperior
Post by theryanneighbor on Jun 29, 2013 17:28:14 GMT -8
Community splice #101. Ceta - Jolteon and Swampert 2. Diwzy - Shiny Charizard 3. Metsy - Breloom 4. Theryanneighbor - Abra 5. Chandelure - Stunfisk 6. Bananawaddledee - Haxorus 7. Scolipedesplices - Wailord 8. Hypnosplices - Alakazam 9. Spazzyjenny - Persian
Post by Samson on Jul 12, 2013 23:14:05 GMT -8
Community Splice #111. Diwzy - Kangaskhan and Sigilyph 2. Bananawaddledee - Flygon 3. Fataldarkness - Electivire 4. Scolipedesplices - Dewgong 5. Majesticpterodactyl - Combuskin 6. RSC Cooper Inc - Corsela 7. Koffspring - Lanturn 8. ManateeExpress - Shedinja 9. Chandelure - Cottonee
Post by Samson on Jul 19, 2013 17:46:21 GMT -8
Community Splice #121. TimelessTales - Camerupt and Blastoise 2. Kickee - Zigzagoon 3. Metsy - Magby 4. Fataldarkness - Mantine 5. AznKvn - Mareep 6. Majesticpterodactyl - Drilbur 7. Chandelure - Poochyena 8. Jonsoki - Sigilyph 9. ManateeExpress - Solrock
Post by Samson on Aug 4, 2013 16:37:53 GMT -8
Community Splice #131. FatalDarkness - Hariyama and Shroomish 2. Chandelure - Luvdisc 3. Metsy - Meditite 4. Jonsoki - Zubat 5. Phoenixette - Lileep 6. Duokrow - Unfezant 7. Theryanneighbor - Wingull 8. Jay-Shay - Shiftry 9. ManateeExpress - Meloetta
Post by Samson on Dec 24, 2013 9:10:11 GMT -8
Community Splice #141. Fataldarkness - Fearow and Arbok 2. Chandelure - Krookodile 3. ManateeExpress - Celebi 4. Lavatarorigin - Gabite 5. Spazzyjenny - Gastly 6. Koffspring - Ludicolo 7. Learningtimebuster - Cottonee
Post by Samson on Feb 1, 2014 11:19:38 GMT -8
Community Splice #151. Learningtimebuster - Mega Charizard X and Zangoose 2. Alakazarn - Drapion 3. Spazzyjenny - Corsola 4. Samson - Uxie 5. Lavatarorigin - Volcarona 6. VGBMichael - Politoed 7. imafancyman - Combee